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 Sujet du message: Re: Interviews d'Oda
MessagePosté: Sam 21 Juil 2018 13:38 
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Inscription: 16 Juil 2009
Messages: 372
Localisation: Rough Tell
Merci à Bolin, Heiji et Ange Bleu pour vos contributions!!

ange bleu a écrit:
Nous pouvons aussi observer que 2012 c'est l'arrivée dans le Nouveau Monde. Donc :

Punk Hazard + Dressrosa + Zou + Totland => 6 ans de publication et 20% d'avancement général, le faisant passer de 60% à 80%.

Cela signifie que cette partie représente la moitié du Nouveau Monde ! Nous serions donc arrivés à la moitié du Nouveau Monde.

Wano + .... + Erbaf + ... + Raftel => s'étalerait également sur 6 ans et représenterait la seconde et dernière moitié du Nouveau Monde.

Ton calcul me semble plausible.

Spoiler: Montrer
Penses-tu qu'il y aura une autre ellipse ou que la narration sera continue et qu'on ira de Wa no Kuni, en passant par Elbaf et pourquoi pas aussi par Marie Geoise (dans le cas possible où la Rêverie ne se déroule pas sans anicroche, ce qui est possible avec les présences des Révolutionnaires, de Bonney et de quelques "commandants" alliés de Luffy) jusqu'à Raftel?

Si Oda intègre une autre ellipse de x mois ou années dans le manga (dans la réalité x années), cela rallongerait ton calcul un peu plus.

Perso, je ne suis pas spécialement fan d'une nouvelle ellipse ou un temps mort prolongé dans l'histoire. Mais si elle intervenait, il faudrait une sérieuse justification (par exemple la mort d'un autre proche ou la destruction d'une île/territoire conquis). Je vois pas trop l'excuse d'une faiblesse ou d'un manque d'expérience de l'équipage comme avant.

Spoiler: Montrer
On l'a bien vu depuis leur entrée dans le Nouveau Monde, les Mugiwara - et Luffy en particulier - apprennent et développent/améliorent leurs skills au combat (Usopp qui développe son haki de l'observation, Luffy qui l'améliore et le pousse à un niveau exceptionnel, Sanji qui gagne un power up avec la combinaison des Vinsmoke, Nami et son nouveau climat tact ainsi que Zeus, Zoro qui acquiera sûrement le Nidaï Kitetsu,...).


ange bleu a écrit:
Merci Heiji ! 80% : on a fait un bond je trouve par rapport aux dernières estimations !

Si on traduit ça brutalement en chapitre cela nous ferait une fin au chapitre 1125, allez disons 1150. Il resterait donc 250 chapitres. Bon depuis le temps on sait que ce sera plus long mais ça indique tout de même qu'après Wano on devrait être dans la dernière ligne droite du manga.

Autre calcul :
2012 : 60%
2018 : 80%
=> 2024 : 100%
Avec 39 chapitres par an, en 6 ans on aurait encore 234 chapitres. Et donc une fin vers le chapitre 1150.

Après avoir navigué un peu sur le net, je suis tombé sur https://okachi.fr/le-manga-one-piece-termine-a-80-environ-dapres-eiichiro-oda/

En gros, il est dit par Oda que:

2010 : 50%
2012 : 60%
2016 : 65%
2018 : 80%

En somme ça varie. Le manga pourrait se terminer dans les deux années à venir tout comme dans les six à venir. La vitesse de croisière d'Oda/du Manga varie selon son inspiration et selon les évènements du manga (en quatre ans, càd de 2012 à 2016, le manga a avancé de 5% mais durant les deux années suivantes càd de 2016 à 2018, il a avancé de 15%!).

Au vue de ce qui se passe actuellement dans le manga et l'enchaînement des évènements, Oda avance à vitesse grand V.

Dernière édition par Joug le Sam 21 Juil 2018 14:03, édité 1 fois.

 Sujet du message: Re: Interviews d'Oda
MessagePosté: Sam 21 Juil 2018 14:02 
The old man
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Inscription: 05 Jan 2004
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Localisation: Joker
Je ne crois pas ni à une nouvelle ellipse et ni à un passage de Luffy à Marijoa. J'ai longtemps cru qu'il y passerait pour faire système avec Enies Lobby/Impel Down/MarineFord mais

Spoiler: Montrer
maintenant que nous avons vu Marijoa il y a peu d'intérêt. Surtout que les Révolutionnaires sont en infiltration, avec Sabo comme représentant symbolique de Luffy : donc s'il y a un truc à faire, Sabo le fera. La seule interrogation c'est le Trésor de Marijoa : il faudrait connaître son rôle dans le récit mais s'il est transportable, il peut être amené à Raftel. De façon générale Luffy n'a rien à faire à Marijoa car son aventure n'a jamais été politique même s'elle a des conséquences politiques. Pour le politique Sabo et les Révolutionnaires sont là pour l'incarner et agir en ce sens au moment opportun.

En tout cas de ce qu'on comprend, c'est que pour Oda, il a raconté la moité de ce qu'il a prévu sur le Nouveau Monde vu que c'est lui qui a annoncé 60% en 2012 et maintenant 80% en 2018. Après que cette seconde partie prenne 6 ans, ce n'est pas gagné, et on peut parier que ce sera davantage, mais le fait que de son point de vu il a raconté la moité du Nouveau Monde cela semble sûr. Donc une nouvelle ellipse serait bizarre et n'aurait pas vraiment de sens je trouve.

Edit : je ne veux rien dire, mais le lien que tu as trouvé sur le net c'est celui qui a été posté par Heiji à la page précédente : c'est la news qu'il a publiée hein.

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 Sujet du message: Re: Interviews d'Oda
MessagePosté: Dim 22 Juil 2018 22:07 
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Inscription: 16 Oct 2015
Messages: 952
Je pense qu'Oda pense en terme de scénario a raconter quand il avance ses chiffres.

Mais même en tenant compte de cela ça se voie clairement qu'il s'est foiré a tout les niveaux avec la partie Doflamingo qui va de PH a la fin de DR.
En particulier il s'est littéralement endormie sur cette partie qui n'est pas importante pour prendre autant de place et en rajoutant trop de futilité (les nains et un tas de personnages inutiles et inintéressant)
Cela je pense a contribué a rendre Oda péssimiste sur l'avancé du manga. Mais peu être qu'avec le recul ce serait plutôt un 70%

Finalement il a repris les choses en bonnes mains et finalement Zo et big mom on été traité assez vite mais scénaristiquement je ne pense pas qu'ils pèsent plus que punk hasard et Dressrosa donc ça ne pèse surement pas plus de 10%.

Et apores environ 20% ça laisse quoi 4 arcs ?
WA 8/9 tomes
Elbaf 2 tomes (style Zo)(peu être l’occasion de rétamer big mom vite fait bien fait ?)
un arc majeur contre la marine 7/9tomes
la dernière partie avec BN et la conclusion 10 tomes

Wa a beaucoup a raconter mais vu toute la mise en place qui aété faite au préalable ça n'a pas nécessairement besoin d'être aussi long que Dressrosa.

Enfin entre 2020 et 2025 cela correspond aux 1éres estimations que j'avais faites vers l'ellipse.quand on pensait avoir vu a peu pres la moitié donc mathématiquement ça n'a pas trop bougé.

On tournera a environ 120 tomes comme prévu et pour les arcs aussije ne m'attend pas a de grosses surprises...Oda a déjà tout prévu maintenant, il rajoutera plus de gros trucs...apres il prévoit p'tét des trucs auquel on pense pas trop.

 Sujet du message: Re: Interviews d'Oda
MessagePosté: Mer 25 Juil 2018 09:38 
The old man
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Inscription: 05 Jan 2004
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Localisation: Joker
L'interview complète donnée au YOMIURI SHIMBUN :
https://edomonogatari.wordpress.com/201 ... chiro-oda/

Le texte japonais original : https://www.yomiuri.co.jp/topics/ichira ... m=ytop_os1

Quelques points intéressants :
- évidemment les 80% d'avancement,
- Oda n'aime pas dessiner les scènes où des personnages meurent,
- pour Oda, Luffy est l'enfant idéal et il n'a pas l'intention de le faire devenir trop adulte car ça reste un shônen manga,
- Les mentions sur Jinbe et les pages couleurs et sur le recrutement de nouveaux membres étaient apparemment des fakes.

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 Sujet du message: Re: Interviews d'Oda
MessagePosté: Mar 28 Aoû 2018 07:57 
The old man
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Inscription: 05 Jan 2004
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Localisation: Joker
Interview d'Oda en anglais publiée dans le catalogue de la troisième partie de l'expo des 50 ans du Jump :
http://www.arlongpark.net/showthread.ph ... ost3924807

Si vous téléchargez les pages sur votre ordi vous les aurez en grande taille et vous pourrez les lire facilement.

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 Sujet du message: Re: Interviews d'Oda
MessagePosté: Dim 9 Sep 2018 15:10 
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Inscription: 27 Avr 2009
Messages: 662
Localisation: Bastille
Merci pour les liens, AB. Sympa d'entendre Oda s'exprimer sur ses méthodes de travail, relation à son éditeur, préférences artistiques...

Par contre c'est toujours aussi déprimant de voir la jauge de la fin se remplir, se remplir et...j'espère sincèrement (et égoïstement) que les 80% sont à la fin, ce que l'estimation du maître était à ses débuts: à savoir un manga qui serait fini en cinq ans.

Va falloir gérer le deuil de One Piece, un jour ou l'autre, pas sûr que ça soit évident...


Collige Virgo Rosas...

 Sujet du message: Re: Interviews d'Oda
MessagePosté: Sam 1 Juin 2019 09:59 
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Inscription: 03 Oct 2015
Messages: 639
Récente interview d'Oda (source Sandman d'Arlong Park)

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- When Oda married in 2004, he made a promise with his wife, “I’ll finish ONE PIECE in 10 years.
After that, let’s go on a round-the-world trip”. But 15 years have passed since the promise...sad.png

- Oda feels satisfied but worried at the same time when he draws a good arc.
When he drew Enies Lobby arc, he felt, “It will be impossible for me to draw more touching story than this arc.”

- Oda learned rhythm of words via Rakuugo, Japanese verval entertainment.

- Oda is certain that his audience will enjoy OP if only he draws what he wants to because he loves popular songs and films,

- OP will be more and more exciting toward the ending. Oda has already decided most of what will happen in the future.
That being said, recent story of Wano arc is heading for what he didn’t imagine. So, Oda doesn’t want to talk about the story toward the final chapter.

- Oda feels sorry for earning money by enjoying drawing manga despite many people working hard in their companies.

- Oda says he would rather die sleeping on a beach somewhere than die on his desk.
(Oda made a comment in April that he has heard he would have an early death if he doesn’t exercise much. Since then, he decided to go on a walking for 30 minutes every day.)

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 Sujet du message: Re: Interviews d'Oda
MessagePosté: Sam 1 Juin 2019 11:52 
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Inscription: 17 Oct 2004
Messages: 1698
Localisation: les fosses de l'enfer
Je ne vais pas critiquer la remarque d'Oda sur le fait qu'il gagne plus d'argent en dessin des manga que certains employés d'entreprises...

Contrairement à de nombreux Youtubers qui gagnent de l'argent uniquement via le putaclics et le zéro-contenu instructif, Oda lui :
- a un emploi du temps quasi inhumain (il dort moins que la moyenne des gens)
- a sur ses épaules le poids d'une histoire qui, s'il réussit, sera une légende dans l'univers du manga, mais s'il échoue sera critiqué pour l'éternité (n'est ce pas Bleach) ou pire tombera dans l'oubli (Fairy Tail)
C'est pour cette raison qu'il veille à ce que tout soit le plus parfait possible.
Après on peut ne pas être d'accord avec ses choix scénaristiques MAIS AU MOINS LUI contrairement à Naruto, Fairy Tail ou Bleach, ne dessine pas en free style sans se demander ce qu'il se passera après.

donc moi je dis respect oda.


 Sujet du message: Re: Interviews d'Oda
MessagePosté: Jeu 27 Aoû 2020 15:53 
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Inscription: 03 Oct 2015
Messages: 639
Nouvelle interview d'Oda ! Avec le groupe japonais Arashi.

Source Sandman de Arlong Park : http://forums.arlongpark.net/showthread ... ost4076881
http://forums.arlongpark.net/showthread ... ost4075504

Spoiler: Montrer
Here is my summary of Oda's TV interview in "Arashi Tsubo".

Oda said he would like to finish OP in 4-5 years (again).

He rarely goes to Jump office where today he witnessed his manuscript of chapter 1 for the first time in 23 years.

Oda googles words such as “interesting manga” to find manga to read. lol

ONE PIECE was rejected before serialization in editors’ meeting. Editor Asada told Oda that he was surprised to this news.
Oda replied he was more surprised than anyone else because he was very confident with OP.

Oda didn’t plan to bring his OP manuscript to Shonen Magazine or Sunday
because he wanted to work on the same magazine as Akira Toriyama whom Oda has been respecting a lot.

Oda doesn’t have an idea to draw another manga after OP.

Oda’s meeting with editor via phone lasts at least 3-4 hours (12 hours at most).
The meeting was so long that editor Hattori happened to fall asleep...

When editor Sugita introduced to Oda as a new editor, Oda jokingly told him that he’d rather have an editor someone else.

Oda loves spending money to smartphone game apps. For example, he spent much money to obtain “super rare Shanks”.

Editor Sugita was frustrated due to the delay of manuscript, but when he read it, he couldn’t help crying.
It was the chapter where Rebecca met Kyros. Oda said he also cried when drawing the chapter.
He says his audience would not be moved to tears unless mangaka himself cries.

Oda considers it genius about

1 Shimohuri Myojo Seiya (Japanese comedian)
2 Taiyo Matsumoto (mangaka)
3 Anime staffs of “The World of Golden Eggs”

Oda feels happy when

1 He goes to health spa. Oda believes anyone who lives near health spa would be happy..
2 He can successfully cook rare meat.
3 Anime staffs have good relationship as if they are family members.

Oda's favorite scene

1 Wano opening
2 Robin puts Mangrove’s tree sap to Usopp. Oda says it helps audience to feel as if OP world is real.3 Campfire scene in Skypiea arc.
It was the scene where Oda wanted to draw most in that arc.

La remarque la plus importante est celle qui concerne le délai pour finir OP : Oda dit 4-5 ans.... encore !
Il n'a aussi aucune idée de manga après avoir fini OP.

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 Sujet du message: Re: Interviews d'Oda
MessagePosté: Sam 29 Aoû 2020 04:42 
1 Berry

Inscription: 16 Mai 2020
Messages: 18

Dernière édition par I shiro le Mer 20 Sep 2023 13:08, édité 1 fois.

 Sujet du message: Re: Interviews d'Oda
MessagePosté: Dim 24 Juil 2022 23:00 
The old man
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Inscription: 05 Jan 2004
Messages: 29277
Localisation: Joker
Interview croisée de Eiichiro Oda avec Gosho Aoyama à l'occasion du dépassement des 100 tomes pour One Piece et Detective Conan :




















– So do the two of you have any secrets regarding continuing a serialization for more than 100 volumes without taking breaks?

Aoyama: Nope. People ask me about it often, but I honestly don't have any secrets to reveal. How about you?

Oda: Ditto! To begin with it's not like it was my intention to surpass 100 volumes.

Aoyama: When Detective Conan first started I thought it'd be no more than a volume or two, but then around chapter two or so, I started to realize “It's actually getting popular?” And was surprised at how it was constantly number one in the rankings. At that point I knew it'd be trouble if I didn't expand on the story more.

Oda: I've always wanted to end the series. That being said I also think about how there's so much I still want to draw or need to do.

Aoyama: I totally get that! There's still so much story left to tell!

Oda: You're really having a blast huh? I think that's amazing. I've heard it from senior Jump artists “It's incredible you're having so much fun.”

Aoyama: Really? Why's that?

Oda: Because everyone is struggling to continue drawing.

Aoyama: What? Seriously? That can't be right.

--So if there is a secret to your success, would it be enjoying what you do?

Aoyama: Yeah, I think so. The more you enjoy drawing the faster you want to get to putting out great storyboards.

Oda: You really love mysteries! Do you ever get tired of drawing different cases?

Aoyama: I do love them. I've loved Sherlock Holmes since I was a child, y'know? Coincidentally in Elementary school I wrote in the Graduation album that I wanted to draw a manga specializing in private detectives.

Oda: What I love is the times where I draw the settings for different islands. Ever since the story entered the Grand line, I've been free to do whatever I want. Kingdoms that don't see eye to eye, fierce seas, islands with totally different cultures and climates..when the story reaches a new island I illustrate all of that. So if I were asked what I'd want to draw more of, I'd want to be able to draw islands like that unfettered, but I have to take my lifespan into account, (lol).

Aoyama: Ahh, yeah, there's some similarities to that in Detective Conan, I think? Like for example, if I want to draw soccer, then I can center a murder case around a soccer player. Though that has to be in the confines of 3 chapters or so. If I had a secret as to how I've been able to continue this long, that might be it. Detective Conan allows me to draw whatever I want. For things I like such as baseball, all it takes is finding a good opportunity to center a story around them.

--When the two of you are drawing, which do you think gives you the most trouble? The artwork or the plot?

Aoyama: Both, probably. Both can be a pain, but they can be fun too. Right?

Oda: Ohh? For me it's the plot that's troublesome. I never get tired of drawing. After the planning of the storyboards is done then it's all about drawing, so I often find myself wanting to get done with storyboards sooner. I love drawing so I wish I had more time to draw what it is I want but even when I don't have a lot of time I manage to make do somehow. It's the storyboards that I'm slow with.

Aoyama: I think I was the same way back when I was your age. If not there's no way I would have been able to keep a schedule with only three hours of sleep. I was a real mess back then compared to now where I can be calm and collected.

Oda: Though when not asleep one can keep creating and be successful, yeah? Meanwhile it's when one is at rest that they become most anxious.

Aoyama: When I was sick and admitted into the hospital I couldn't help but worry. Is it really okay for me to stop here? And such.

Oda: Yeah, I get you. It gets you totally anxious! I was sick once for a bit, and despite being in the hospital I took my color tools with me and did a color spread from the hospital.

Aoyama: It's hard to calm down. Even in my case I asked to draw a special illustration as a gift to Sunday Super readers, and the fans got angry at the publisher. “Mr. Aoyama is in the hospital and you're still making him work??” (Lol) Even though it was me who asked to do it.

Oda: Being in the hospital you'd think that I'd rest and relax. Instead I got excited and really wanted to draw, and insisted that just one color page wouldn't hurt me. Being in a serialization is like being chased in a race. Fundamentally there's no such thing as downtime, because deadlines are always around the corner.

--Generally speaking, what are meetings with editors like for you two?

Aoyama: They're usually around 2 in the afternoon. The editor comes to my house and for a while we chat about TV and magazines for a while. Discussions about the manuscripts begin in the evening.

Oda: Your editorial meetings last a while!

Aoyama: They sure do! The editor in charge usually comes up with ideas for the culprit's methods, but there are times occasionally where we can't come up with anything. We'll come back around to it the next day in those cases. A long time ago we'd stay up till dawn coming up with ideas but not so much now that we're older. How do your editorial meetings go?

Oda: All of mine are via phone.

Aoyama: Wow, voice only?

Oda: A loooong time ago we'd meet in person, but before long it just became easier to take notes and speak on the phone. After all one can tell someone's expressions through their voice, and when listening to the tone you can tell their reactions as to whether they like something or not, etc. Though getting back to me, I get through the meetings one week at a time. I just gotta get through this week to get to the next is my mentality.

(How many years until the final chapter?)

--Both of your series have reached their critical junctures together. The identity of the Black Organization's 2nd in Command “Rum” has been revealed, and One Piece has reached the final saga!

Oda: Truly at the start I thought One Piece would end in five years, and in about a year and a half Luffy's crew of ten would have gathered together. I thought of it like a video game but I was far too naive! It's not that I wanted things to keep getting longer, that's just what ended up happening!!

Aoyama: Same, (lol)

Oda: Have you thought to yourself “Okay, It's about time to end Detective Conan”?

Aoyama: This is between us, but I've already drawn the final chapter.

Oda: W—what??

Aoyama: Maybe I shouldn't have said that? I don't want someone to come and steal it, (lol) So as I mentioned earlier, I was in the hospital for a bit once. I got to thinking that people can up and die without warning, so I figured why not draw it? This was about five years ago I think? So I figured drawing the storyboard wouldn't be a big deal, though for now it's a stand in.

Oda: Sure it was just on a whim, but you actually drew it...at least you were able to do it at your leisure?

Aoyama: You could say that, yeah. It wasn't a big deal now because I've already decided on the major details, but there are arcs I'd have to get to beforehand, though..

Oda: How long do you think until the final chapter?

Aoyama: That's a secret, (lol) I might decide to redraw the finale after this, (lol)

Oda: I've always pictured what the final chapter of One Piece would be like, Though from time to time, the situation surrounding it changes. Though really once the One Piece is found the series is over (lol) However, this next saga is the final one.

Aoyama: Seriously? It's really going to end?

Oda: Yup, to me this is really the final arc.

--I'm just going to act this flat out. How many years until the final chapter?

Oda: In regard to how many years it'll be....well, I've given countless different answers so by now I'd have to wonder if anyone believes me anymore, (lol.)

Aoyama: Lol, yeah I think that too.

Oda: I wouldn't yell this from the mountaintops,, but I'd personally like to shoot for 3 more years.

Aoyama: But you don't know for sure. It all depends on how the characters act.

Oda: We're merely navigators in these stories.

--Mr. Oda, does your editor know how the story will go up until the end?

Oda: I'm on my 11th editor now, but I make it a point to tell every successive editor the entire story from beginning to end. Though it's become a bit of a pain lately so I've been breaking it up into parts (lol) Although some of the particulars change from time to time, the goal remains the same. There have been some outrageous plot twists during the serialization, but the flow of the story has been rock solid to the point that past editors are surprised. “Are you sure you can just do that??” They ask, but then they don't remember anyway, (lol)

Aoyama: Have you drawn the finale yet? (lol)

Oda: I've got notes of my thoughts that I've made before they reach a new island, as well as a notebook of the most profound mysteries of One Piece that I've created.

Aoyama: Maybe I should steal it, (lol) Though I've also got my notes on the Akai family and their resolution –it's about three pages-ish? When I get a new editor I let them have a look, but it's so complex they don't remember. So by the time the story reaches the serialization proper they're surprised by the events, despite me not deviating from the notes I showed them. Though well, the finale is already there. When I give that over it'll be in one go.

---Do you have any plans for after the final chapters are done?

Oda: I'd like to go on a trip and stay at a new place every night.

Aoyama: I'd like to move....is what I would say but I also don't want to either. It's probably not much better than Oda's case but I've got a lot of stuff which makes moving a pain.

Oda: You wouldn't go on a trip?

Aoyama: I did once upon a time. I went to London for example to have a look at the British Museum for use in manuscripts for Detective Conan. I also went to Vauxhall bridge to get materials for Mary and Vermouth's showdown there. Though after that COVID happened.

Oda: I want to go overseas and travel to hot springs around the entire world until I die!

Aoyama: A long time ago, I wanted to go to Brazil to see the World Cup. Though when I was leaving Japan the passport inspection dude stared at my passport for an uncomfortably long amount of time. I asked him if anything was the matter, He said “I was just curious about what'd happen next. (In Conan.) Please have a safe trip and return.” Like seriously? Lol.

Oda: Maybe he realized who you really are. It is a fairly unusual name...it'd probably be embarrassing to say it out loud in the hospital.

Aoyama: My name and sex are the same, is what I'd like to say, but lately I've been quietly referred to as “Mr. Aoyama.”

Oda: My name has become a big deal as of late too, so when at the hospital out of consideration for me, they've been careful in calling me out. Though I was already getting shout outs when I was only partially famous.

---Are there any highlights fans should be on the lookout for going forward?

Aoyama: A case where Rum once had both of his eyes, as well as how that connects to Akai Shuichi's father Tsutomu. Maybe that'll be interesting, I don't know, (lol.)

Oda: For me? Hmm...This is a toughie to answer. There will be lots to see for sure, but I want readers to be surprised, so I dunno if I should say it here...

Aoyama: True...

Oda: Well, for now the “past” will be a big deal. Something once happened in the world during the Void century, which will come to light which should prove interesting. What I find the most fun is when the readers are enjoying themselves. It's truly a ton of fun!

--Give us your closing thoughts, please!

Aoyama: I don't want One Piece to end before Detective Conan!!

Oda: Yeah that's what I was thinking too, (lol)

Aoyama: Good luck keeping One Piece going (lol)

Oda: Then we'll decide on ending on the count of three!

Aoyama: Lol, that'd be amazing.

--Thanks for coming.

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 Sujet du message: Re: Interviews d'Oda
MessagePosté: Lun 25 Juil 2022 06:57 
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Inscription: 23 Juil 2016
Messages: 455
Merci pour l'interview ange. Peut-être un jour lirai-je Detective Conan... (Les premiers tomes sont biens ?)

 Sujet du message: Re: Interviews d'Oda
MessagePosté: Mer 27 Juil 2022 09:26 
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Si tu aimes les enquêtes où on cherche qui est le meurtrier tu vas aimer. Quasiment la totalité du manga tourne autour d'histoire comme ça si je me souviens bien. A part cela il y a peu de scenario autre.

 Sujet du message: Re: Interviews d'Oda
MessagePosté: Mer 27 Juil 2022 13:29 
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Inscription: 16 Juil 2009
Messages: 372
Localisation: Rough Tell
Merci Ange.
L'interview était très instructive et pertinente en tout point.

Finalement, cette histoire des "10 nakama", je ne l'avais pas sortie de nulle part. ^^

Sur le manga, il n'y a plus qu'à profiter de cette dernière saga. Je suis prêt et me laisserai porter. Je tenterai de ne plus râler, c'est la dernière ligne droite...!

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